
Post Construction

You can count on ICI to be your trusted preconstruction partner.

Once the construction of a project has concluded, ICI begins the process of project close-out. During this phase, all appropriate parties will be trained in the operation and maintenance of the new building’s equipment. Maintenance manuals will be distributed to the owner both in hard copy and indexed electronically for ease of use in the future.  Along with the close-out book, ICI will provide the client with an electronic copy of all project design documents, including any as-built drawings.

Prior to the conclusion of the warranty period, ICI’s project manager will conduct an eleven (11) month walk-through to ensure all systems are functioning as specified.  We will continually work with subcontractors to service equipment and coordinate any necessary repairs.

ICI is proud to say that 80% of our business is generated by repeat clients. This speaks to our partnership approach to construction and is evidence that we honor our commitments to our clients. Should an owner have a question or need after project close-out, the ICI Team is accessible.