In 2014, ICI began working with Wheaton Academy Christian High School on the implementation of a portion of the school’s long-term Master Plan. During that spring and summer, ICI served as the Construction Manager for a new synthetic turf football / soccer field, a baseball field, track and field events space, a practice football / baseball field and tennis courts. ICI’s scope of work included excavation of the existing fields, installation of drainage, concrete curbs, the installation of the asphalt surface for the track and tennis courts as well as fencing surrounding the perimeter of each of these spaces, walkways and electrical site lighting.
Because construction to a portion of the site began prior to the conclusion of the school year, close coordination was required with the faculty, staff, students and members of the community to protect everyone’s safety. The project was completed prior to the start of the 2014 school year and in time for the baseball and football seasons to begin as scheduled.
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